Monday 20 January 2014

Viernes en Ian Mosh

Last week went so fast and its again Monday! Today I had an opportunity to see and do another task. Went to the department where they prepare the clothes before they store it or send to the retailers. What this prepare means? The factory send the goods to the storage, when the goods arrive to the storage we have to check them before pack. Sometimes some of them has some defect, if this is the case we have to put them apart to send to the factory again. When is a small defect the dressmaker who is in the store correct it. After this we fold the clothes and we pack them and we put into a plastic bag paying attention that the same references of goodies will have the same size to avoid that they damage after long time in the storage. Well, again I learned something new. Miriam was carefully explaining me how the package has to be done. After some time I saw myself packing perfectly and I was happy about my learning.
We also took care of some orders from the online shop, how they pack the parcel, oooh, looks like a gift. I'm happy that I learned that in Ian Mosh.

It was a rainy day, its amazing to hear the rain when you are inside and specially in Ian Mosh because they have tin roof. When I left work with Laura it was slightly raining but after few minutes it was sunny. We were on the train when the sun started to shine and I thought to myself that it would be nice to have a walk in the city (Abando) but what was my surprise? It was raining again :( Luckily I had my umbrella with me and went for a walk...

So, coming to Bilbao do not forget your umbrella!!!

I didn't bring raining boots to Bilbao, couldn't imagine jow rainy Bilbao is even after Iker warn us. Today it was raining so much that I went to fashion shoes shop to buy raining boots.

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